Dr. Francesca Guerri Dr. Francesca Guerri Assistant Professor


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Dr. Guerri’s field of study is Medieval History, specifically her research reevaluates the life and motivation of Matilda of Tuscany (1046-1115), one of the most significant female figures of the European Middle Ages. Dr. Guerri is interested in how friendship in the Middle Ages fueled political agency, served alliances, and promoted spirituality. At the same time, her investigation places a lot of attention on spirituality and women in the eleventh century.

Areas of Expertise
Medieval History, Ancient Roman History, History of Early Modern England, and Art History; with specialization in women’s history, the Church Reform of the eleventh century, friendship, and spirituality in the eleventh century.


  • Doctor of Philosophy - History - University of Houston (2021)
  • Master of Arts - Italian Literature - Università degli Studi di Firenze (1999)
  • Bachelor of Arts - Modern Languages (Italian) - Università degli Studi di Firenze (1991)


  • "“Anselm of Canterbury and Matilda of Tuscany: The Journey of Friendship”"
    MATILDICA, III, 2020, Journal of AMI-MIA
    Patron Editore (2020) Vol. 3 Page 9-36
  • "Nihil Terrenum, Nihilque Carnale in Ea: Matilda of Tuscany and Anselm of Lucca during the Investiture Controversy"
    University of Bologna (2018) Vol. 31


  • "Anselm of Lucca and Anselm of Canterbury: Inhabitants of Two Separate Worlds?" (2018)
    St. Anselm of Aosta, Bec, and Canterbury International Conference, University of Houston, in collaboration with the University of St. Thomas.
  • "Matilda of Tuscany and Anselm of Lucca During the Investiture Controversy" (2015)
    50th International Conference of Institute for Medieval Studies.
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