500X300_Intro_SponsoredThe Office of Grants and Sponsored Research (OSR) was created in August 2008 to serve the needs of faculty, staff and administrators by providing institutional support that includes pre- and post-award functions.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Preparing and submitting compliant proposals
  • Creating and reviewing budgets for compliance
  • Disseminating information on funding opportunities
  • Conducting grant writing seminars for faculty, staff and administrators
  • Providing support for UST Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee
  • InfoED SPIN Funding Database

Pivot-RP Access

U.S. Department of Education OSEP PSEL Program (2013 - 2020)
Award Amount:

Primary Investigator: Dr. Randy Soffer

U.S. Department of Education OPE HSI STEM Grant (2016 - 2021)

Award Amount: $3,875,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. Shivas Amin

U.S. Department of Education Title V Grant (2019 - 2024)

Creating the Masters in Nursing Education, Nurse Leadership and Nursing and Healthcare

Simulation Award Amount:  $3,000,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. Poldi Tschirch

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Profession Nursing Shortage Reduction Program (2019-2020)

Award Amount: $349,686

Primary Investigator: Dr. Poldi Tschirch

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Profession Nursing Shortage Reduction Program (2020-2021)

Award Amount: $287,834

Primary Investigator: Dr. Poldi Tschirch

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Nursing Innovation Grant Program (2020-2022)

Award Amount: $89,042

Primary Investigator: Dr. Kristin Leyden

The Robert A. Welch Foundation Departmental Grant (2018- 2021)

Award Amount: $135,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. John A. Palasota

The Robert A. Welch Foundation Departmental Grant (2021- 2024)

Award Amount: $135,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. Sarah Ghaoui

The US Department of Education PPOHA Grant (2020- 2025)

Creating the Masters in Industrial Chemistry Program

Award Amount: $3,000,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. John Palasota

The US Department of Education MSEIP Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Grant (2020- 2023)

The UST Houston NextGen Research Project

Award Amount: $750,000

Primary Investigator: Dr. Javoris V. Hollingsworth

The US Department of Education Title V Grant (2020- 2025)

Creating the Bachelors programs in Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Award Amount: $3,000,000

Primary Investigators: Dr. Brigit Mellis / Dr. John Palasota

Faculty And Staff Portal

Faculty And Staff PortalFaculty and Staff seeing external funding should contact the OSR.  The portal at myStThom features the following resources for grant seekers:

  • Intent to Apply forms
  • Institutional background
  • Funded grant samples
  • OSR after-hours contact information
  • ...and more funding resources!
Contact Information

Internal and external parties are required to contact the OSR prior to creation of a proposal.

Dr. James M. Monaghan
Associate Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs